Ultimate Guide to Hire and Manage Dedicated Development team
Natalia Shpitula

Edited at November 01, 2022


How to Hire Dedicated Developers?

According to Harvard Business Review, a specialized web development team may increase productivity by 10% and is more likely to stay within budget.

Dedicated developers are recognized for using their finest abilities to construct all project components, whether a startup or an improvement to current systems. However, hiring specialized developers to achieve your company vision within a fixed timetable and budget is a significant difficulty. Dedicated developers are an excellent choice when you already have an in-house or outsourced team of software engineers working on a project and want a labor increase. 

To maintain the operations of their businesses, b2b companies use the outsourcing model. However, what should you do if you want technical assistance to resolve various issues? The solution to this problem is to hire a specialized development team.

Let us go through the many advantages and methods of employing specialist website developers to help you realize your web development goals.

Who are dedicated developers?

Dedicated developers are recruited to work on a certain project for a lengthy period, generally full-time.

Businesses with limited financial resources and modest infrastructures find this approach extremely valuable for developing solid solutions at a low cost. Hiring a specialized development staff may be a long-term and sustainable solution for many firms.

Assume you are the owner of a thriving company. Your company is supported by an in-house staff of sales, marketing, design, and development specialists. You still want to improve your operations and need technical help. Outsourcing the work to a specialized development team saves you from having to build up infrastructure or acquire essential skills.

This approach is adaptable and adjustable, and it can be adjusted to your company’s structure and needs to optimize the benefits of working with specialized development teams. To effectively engage a dedicated development team, you must pick a business that can provide a wide collection of skill sets, such as designers, developers, and quality assurance specialists, who can cooperate to create end-to-end service. A company may accomplish all of these needs if you communicate its scope and goals.

Whether an entrepreneur, a startup, or an enterprise-level firm, web and mobile applications are buzzwords in today’s fastest-growing technology era. A dedicated team of developers is the most crucial piece that leads to effective web application development. Dedicated developers handle everything from app ideation to application implementation by creating excellent digital solutions.

Why Does Your Business Need Dedicated Developers? Benefits of hiring dedicated developers

Over 68% of enterprises in the United States outsource their development. More than 70% of British business owners want to outsource, and 48% are already doing so.

  • Access to a worldwide talent pool. 

Dedicated developers typically work remotely, giving firms a greater range of professionals with diverse skill sets and allowing them to hire a dedicated development staff from all over the world.

  • Time savings

When employing dedicated staff, there is no need for the client to invest their own time in the recruiting process because the vendor handles it. Furthermore, selecting a whole team at once is significantly faster than looking for many specialists separately.

  • Rapid scaling 

During the development process, a client may adjust the makeup of a dedicated team, increasing the number of specialists as needed or decreasing that number when some team members finish their work.

  • Improved collaboration

Because of the regular input from project managers and the company’s owner, a dedicated team model develops the ideal circumstances for cooperation.

Businesses benefit from open communication and processes using dedicated development team models, which help them reach their goals quickly and efficiently.

  • Cost-effective 

Over 70% of the world’s corporations reported considerable budget savings by outsourcing elements of their business activities to a software development team. Businesses may then use the time saved on hiring to locate project partners and obtain valuable investments.

The typical salary of app developers for hire varies widely by area, a business can keep within its budget by hiring remote workers with cheaper hourly rates. Additionally, the dedicated team approach reduces the need for additional fees for onboarding, benefits, and other administrative and recruitment procedures.

Assume the firm is based in the United States or Europe. The hourly fee for a developer is between $100 and $150. However, by looking at professionals from Eastern Europe who are just as competent, operate in a competitive atmosphere, know English well, and are ready for continual improvement, businesses may save up to $100 per hour (which the in-house staff cannot).

  • Simple to manage

Business owners can either engage a project manager to work with the developers’ software team or manage them themselves.

Businesses must always be aware of what happens during the development and management processes. However, this should not lead to business owners bogged down in mundane work and other time-consuming chores. Project managers are an excellent compromise since they act as an intermediary in management and report on the progress of the task as it is performed.

The whole management activity is visible and does not require the firm owners’ continual attention, freeing them up for other business activities.

  • Concentrate on a specific task or project

A specialized software development team supports the project. Immersion in the work always yields the highest growth results.

Being completely focused on the product allows for a faster response to project changes. In this situation, the dedicated development team approach is adaptable enough to accommodate changes in current project needs, industry performance, or budget limits.

  • Increasing the rate of development

Because devoted experts are entirely committed to a single project, they are not juggling many duties or projects simultaneously, as in-house or freelance developers sometimes do. It leads to increased product quality, greater flexibility during development, and speedier project completion.

  • Enhance team spirit and productivity

Working directly with freelancers can be difficult since each employee sees their job as a separate contribution. When you deal with remote engineers, you have the chance to foster a sense of community among your contributors. The task is no longer the sum of the varied efforts of several employees. Remote developers can collaborate more smoothly than team members in the same office. Delays are kept to a minimum. Real-time communication occurs, and difficulties are handled quickly. Compare this to the procedure of working with a large number of independent freelancers. When you hire programmers, you have a team devoted to your project, creating team spirit and increasing developer productivity.

  • High-quality

It is fairly uncommon for professional web developers to include their own QA specialists, which means the developers will test your application regularly to ensure perfect code and outstanding quality. Testing is critical for large-scale initiatives with many individuals working together. Hiring a professional development team may receive greater performance and higher quality with minimal downtime. They can predict problems and suggest solutions to keep your problems at bay while keeping the project operating. If you want outstanding counsel or advice throughout or after the project development process, you may acquire it.

Need to hire a dedicated development team?

Hiring dedicated developers’ models

Every firm prioritizes pricing models. A contract is signed between the customer and the service provider outlining the techniques, timeframe, and functions. Clients confirm the business model they are choosing before signing the deal.

Hiring Dedicated Developers as a Business Model

Next, it is up to the product owner to decide which business model to use. Choosing the proper approach will lead to the success of your company. We have provided details on all three business models here to assist you to choose the optimal pricing plan.

Dedicated Developers

The most efficient business approach is to hire a specialized developer. You may choose your specialized developer here to save money, gain flexibility, and improve quality. You have control over your team and can quickly keep yourself up to speed on project status. To receive excellent product development, you may employ specialized developers hourly, weekly, or monthly.

Time and Materials

The time & material business model has several advantages. Dedicated developers often operate hourly and adhere to time and material business strategies. Let us look at some of the advantages of the t&m business model:

Fixed Costs

Fixed cost is popular among organizations owing to its ease of use and focus on Time and Money. The client prefers this business model when the development of an application is understood, and the customer is fully equipped with its internal features for the specific application.

But what are the hiring methods of developers?

Staff Augmentation

The Staff Augmentation team model is a recruiting approach in which the client obtains a fully working, devoted firm with dedicated programmers. This group will work as an extension of the client’s primary team, concentrating entirely on their initiatives. A committed developer from the client’s core team would be present in the dedicated development team to boost the overall team’s performance and communication.

Team Management

You may access a team of highly competent engineers using this software development outsourcing strategy. Under this approach, you and your outsourcing partner share ownership and accountability for project direction and deliverables. It’s a hybrid of staff augmentation and a fully outsourced service.

You and the managed team will agree on the scope, roles, deliverables (e.g., deliverables), timelines, and service-level agreements from the outset. Throughout the software development process, your in-house Project Manager / Product Owner is engaged, aiding in the product’s direction and decision-making. This entails keeping in touch with your outsourced Project Manager regularly.

When your development partner monitors and manages the whole software development process based on your specifications, this is referred to as project-based outsourcing.

Dedicated Team Structure 

A developer’s team is constantly reliant on the project’s requirements. It enables the recruiting circumstances to be optimized and as closely matched to the projects. A software developers team committed to software feasible as development would consist of the following positions:

  • Project Manager

They serve as a liaison between the team and the customer. Project managers oversee the complete team’s route, from workload and deadlines to job delegation to specific project members.

  • Business Analyst

A business analyst does project-related business and technology research. A business analyst’s primary responsibility is ensuring a product meets the company’s goals and technical standards.

  • UI/UX designer

They must be in charge of the product’s interface and appearance. The primary purpose of UI/UX designers is to discover user problems and strive to address them through design difficulties. This role is tasked with developing an appealing aesthetic, user-friendly interface, and cost-effective bespoke design.

  • Developers 

Front-end and back-end programmers are among the software development professionals. Front-end developers create the visible element of the product: Back-end programmers work on the product’s server side and are involved in the project and its needs from the planning stage through the release.

  • QA specialists 

QAs must inspect the application for flaws and problems at every stage of software development. The QA professionals are in charge of delivering the projects to market without any technical issues.

  • DevOps

They collaborate with software development teams and QA professionals to coordinate product development and operation and provide a pleasant environment for testing project requirements.

How to Hire Dedicated Developers with Talentica Agency?

Hiring a professional software development team has several advantages. You receive professionals working just on your project, with close attention to project timeline specifics. Regarding IT on-demand resources, selecting the correct outsourcing business might be difficult. 

At Talentica, we promise superior quality from the start. Our specialists bring your ideas to life to provide a superior experience by understanding your company goals and solving the difficulties you must tackle before building new solutions. We can help you hire game Dev or any other IT specialist.

Our staff understands how to incorporate contemporary website and app design advances appropriately. The explanation is simple: programmers always stay up to date by attending various conferences, workshops, and meetups related to contemporary technology. This allows them to maintain their experience and competitiveness.

It’s not an issue if you have a major time difference with us. Our devoted crew will work around your time zone, fulfill all deadlines, and complete your job on time. Don’t hesitate and contact us.

Let’s talk about dedicated teams

Contact us to get a free tech consultation.

Dedicated Developers rates: 

Choosing an area in the world for outsourcing might be difficult. Because each nation has its typical hourly fee for software development, you should choose a time zone that is convenient for you and an appropriate hourly rate. The hourly rate in various locations is as follows, according to the Accelerance study for the second half of 2021 and 2022:

Latin America

The average for the region is $50. However, the rates vary substantially. For example, in Bolivia, the average is $35, whereas, in Mexico and Uruguay, it is $61. Argentina, Brazil, and Chile are other excellent locations in the region.

After North America and Western Europe, it is one of the most costly areas. However, it is highly popular because of the short time difference between Latin America and North America.

Eastern Europe

Eastern Europe’s average hourly wage is $37. It might range from $19 for a junior developer in Croatia to $60+ for a senior in Poland. Poland, Hungary, and Ukraine are the top three countries in Eastern Europe.

The region’s IT sector is rapidly expanding, with thousands of students pursuing IT degrees and governments promoting and supporting the business. The region combines excellent experts with reasonable costs. The cultural and time zone differences are also not as great if you come from Western Europe.

Western Europe

In Western Europe, the average hourly wage is $66. Sweden ($52) and France ($54) are the cheapest countries. The United Kingdom, Germany, and the Netherlands are among the best.

There are several causes for increased costs in that area. For starters, greater rates and wages are required in these nations due to increased living expenditures. The second factor is educational quality. However, this does not exclude you from finding similarly qualified developers elsewhere.

North America 

Dedicated developer rates in North America are significantly higher than in any other region. This may be because North America has a high concentration of technology companies and the availability of top-tier development talent. These companies value dedicated developers and make them valuable to their teams.

According to the dedicated developers rating platform, DevCraft, the cost of dedicating a developer in North America is between $70,000 and $100,000. This price range reflects the average cost of a dedicated developer, who is experienced and has the necessary skills. The average cost of a dedicated developer has increased over the past few years, as the demand for developers has increased.


Every decision made while establishing an offshore software development team is influenced by the projects on which the team is anticipated to work. You save operations and development costs while having fewer legal duties, paperwork, and recruitment problems. Last but not least, signing an NDA-Non Disclosure Agreement adds an extra degree of security to ensure that all of your assets are safeguarded and secure. Every devoted developer knows your company’s inaccessible regions and adheres to the NDA.

Following the appropriate approach when hiring a dedicated developer, you will find it much easier to identify offshore professionals that completely match your company’s requirements. A developer is similar to an architect in that they create the structure of your program.

Dedicated developers are the best option for projects requiring a higher level of expertise and needing to be completed quickly.

To make your development journey easier and find hidden talent, engage dedicated developers from a top-tier organization to pitch your business to the top.


  • How do I hire a dedicated developer?

    Please submit details on our web page to request information about hiring a dedicated software developer. Our recruiters will provide you with a proposal. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us directly.

  • Why should you hire dedicated developers?

    Dedicated developers make great engineers. They tend to be great communicators and problem solvers and are driven to excel in their craft. Dedicated developers are also motivated to improve themselves, so they never stop learning, improving, and progressing. Dedicated developers work long hours, and they excel at what they do.

  • How much does it cost to hire a team of developers?

    Developers cost money. However, the costs will be higher if you want to hire a full-time developer. Typically, the cost of hiring a full-time developer will vary greatly depending on the skill level of the developer, the experience of the developer, and the type of project at hand. The good news is that these costs are constantly dropping yearly, as developers are becoming more accessible, efficient, and experienced. Thus, any full-time developer hired today will be cheaper than their counterpart hired five years ago.

November 01, 2022


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