Why Talentica - Talentica

One partner to manage your remote talent needs
from A to Z

Talentica was created to handle IT companies’ team extension challenges by providing cost-effective staffing services.

  • 2017

    Since 2017, under our brand RedJumpers, we’ve supported talent exchange between young European IT companies. It allows them to grow fast, empower their expertise and prevent bench.

  • 2020

    In 2020, we’ve started Talentica to simplify tech teams extension with most demanded expertise.

  • Nowadays

    Now, we’ve successfully matched more than 20 000 talents with 650+ IT companies

Gen Y

We magnetize the best talent by Zoomers values

Our mission is to make a team extension process so simple and organic to make IT companies and freelancers forget about stress and focus on uniting their minds and ideas for exciting teamwork, staying flexible, and free from outdated commitments.

We serve relations, not just processes

Unlike automated platforms, we believe that high-quality human mediation creates more than “work-to-be-done” connections but truly synergic collaborations that drive broad-minded projects.

  • For IT companies
  • Save your time for talent selection

    We’ll take care of that for you. Deep learning about your goals, budgets, and expectations allows us to match you with verified professionals, you will accept as a part of your own team.

    Be confident in work results

    We guarantee the work process and result in compliance with contract conditions. You sign a contract with Talentica, and we are fully responsible for all freelancers and teams.

    Extend your vision

    We are here to help refresh your internal processes, approaches, and ideas thanks for continuously involving new market-relevant talents in your projects.

  • For Freelancers
  • Be confident in work results

    We guarantee the work process and result in compliance with contract conditions. You sign a contract with Talentica, and we are fully responsible for all freelancers and teams.

    Extend your vision

    We are here to help refresh your internal processes, approaches, and ideas thanks for continuously involving new market-relevant talents in your projects.

  • For IT companies
  • For Freelancers

Save your time for talent selection

We’ll take care of that for you. Deep learning about your goals, budgets, and expectations allows us to match you with verified professionals, you will accept as a part of your own team.

Be confident in work results

We guarantee the work process and result in compliance with contract conditions. You sign a contract with Talentica, and we are fully responsible for all freelancers and teams.

Extend your vision

We are here to help refresh your internal processes, approaches, and ideas thanks for continuously involving new market-relevant talents in your projects.

Be confident in work results

We guarantee the work process and result in compliance with contract conditions. You sign a contract with Talentica, and we are fully responsible for all freelancers and teams.

Extend your vision

We are here to help refresh your internal processes, approaches, and ideas thanks for continuously involving new market-relevant talents in your projects.

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